Why Pet Photography?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I photographed a Tank this weekend.

Make that I photographed Sir Tanky Tankinton a registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi!  Tank for short to all that know and love him!  Tank was surrender to the Cactus Corgi Rescue by a breeder.  The director of that organization is Vicki Combs and she found a Tank a fantastic forever home.  Tank is going to be one of the models for the upcoming Cactus Corgi 2011 Calendar.  Tank was not really into having his photo taken, but he tolerated me just long enough for some great shots.  He was quite interested in all the activity happening in the horse barn, that's what he is checking out so intently in the first photo below.  So here you go, introducing Tank:


  1. This is my son's dog. I'm glad to be able to see him. I have not met him in person as of yet but will soon. I'll be anxious to see the calendar when it is complete. Thanks for all your work.


  2. how cute! i bet you will have a blast with the new dogs...
